Mr. Kearn's math class is needing newspaper/magazine sales ads... if you could send them to school with your child that would be great...Thanks!!!
about 5 years ago, Jay Kearn
Due to the snow day on Monday, Jan 13 meals have been updated.
about 5 years ago, USD 108
meals Jan 13-17
Thank you Ryan Kern for coming and speaking to my Math class about car loans!!
about 5 years ago, Robert Smith
On January 6, WCHS custodian Terry Montague was honored for his 40 years of employment with USD 108. We love you Terry! Thanks for your hard work and commitment.
about 5 years ago, Denise O'Dea
There has been a change in the schedule for High School basketball games at Clifton-Clyde tomorrow. Starting at 3:45 with a 1/2 JV Girls followed by a 1/2 C Boys, Full JV Boys, Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys.
about 5 years ago, Tiffany Wyatt
Due to icy road conditions, USD 108 will not have school on Monday, January 13. All school activities including FBLA and Scholars Bowl are also canceled. The regularly scheduled school board meeting will still be held at 7 PM.
about 5 years ago, USD 108
Due to the weather conditions, USD108 will be releasing school at 12:30 today, Friday January 10th. Tonight’s activities also cancelled. Be safe!
about 5 years ago, USD 108
Centennial Homestead
about 5 years ago, Noreen Rundle
Hayley with the 2nd grade class.
One group.
Centennial Homestead
Hayley Talk to the class about the different jobs and the importance of math science and reading to do those jobs.
Thank you to Dusin Enterprises Inc. for purchasing the flexible seating for Mrs. Gauby's first grade classroom! The students love having a choice of seating while they work! Mrs. Gauby's class and Dusins Enterprises Inc. are Classroom to Careers partners.
about 5 years ago, Amy Hoover
Waco vs Valley Heights Boys Varsity win 41-36 Girls Varsity lose 54-40 Both JV boys and girls lose C-Team boys win Go Tigers!
about 5 years ago, Robert Smith
Here is the January Elementary Newsletter!
about 5 years ago, USD 108
This January is School Board Recognition Month, and we are saying thank you to the men and women who volunteer their time to lead our public schools. Tiger Strong!
about 5 years ago, USD 108
BOE Appreciation Month
Ok friends, the old librarian is looking for help again! I am working on a recycling/reuse project for my K-6th students and I am needing the following: Old neck ties or ladies thin neck scarves. (Need around 55) Empty small potato chip bags/bread wrappers Plastic lids from applesauce squeeze bags Any throw-away item that would be cute to use for small decorations If you have any of the above that you haven’t thrown out yet, I could really use them. I can pick them up from you, or you can leave them in the elementary office. Your help in this fun student project would be greatly appreciated.
about 5 years ago, Brenda Nelson
Chip bags
Plastic lids
The half c team girls game for Junior high tonight has been cancelled. Start times for all games will be at 5:45 in each gym. B team boys will be in west gym at 5:45 and A team girls will be in high school gym at 5:45.
about 5 years ago, Heather Gepner
Waco vs D-West Boys Varsity 57-32 win Girls Varsity 53-49 loss JV Boys won and JV Girls loss Go Tigers!
about 5 years ago, Robert Smith
Come out and support the Tigers tonight as they take on D-West! 4:45 Jv Girls in High School Gym 6:00 Varsity Girls in High School Gym 6:00 JV Boys in West Gym Varsity Boys following Varsity Girls Go Tigers!
about 5 years ago, Robert Smith
On this last day of classes, Mrs McClures class got a little crazy making reindeer.
about 5 years ago, Joy McClure
the girls are proud of their work.
Thanks to three amazing donors ALL of our student’s negative lunch balances have been paid off. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity!!
about 5 years ago, USD 108
No Negative lunch accts
THANK YOU to PTO for donating these books to the preschool! We appreciate you!
about 5 years ago, Annie Yungeberg
On Wednesday these elementary students were presented with the Integrity award for the second nine weeks.
about 5 years ago, Amy Hoover